Mallorca’s hidden and secret coves, discover our six essential ones

by | 30 Apr, 2024 | Travel | 0 comments

Mallorca has more than 300 beaches and coves. You can imagine how difficult it is to choose the 6 most secret or most charming among them all in this post.

In fact, reading other articles it is difficult to find a repeat, as they are all fantastic and everyone has their own criteria. In the end we have selected ten marvellous coves, but you should know that they are not the only ones, far from it!

Let’s start!

The importance of the coves chosen in their environment

Mallorca has small hidden paradises with a unique landscape where finding your idyllic spot is sure to be easy.

The hectic tourism of the big cities contrasts with a landscape of vast plains, jagged rocks, green mountains and almost deserted coves for those who seek the inaccessible and the unknown.

To discover some of the hidden coves in Mallorca, you have to walk a long way or take a water taxi. But the effort is rewarded with picturesque beaches of fine sand, incredible bays and waters so clean you’ll think you’re in a dream. These coves are usually found in natural surroundings, forming a perfect ecosystem that should not be disturbed.

That’s why we ask you to be respectful with it, and to contribute to keep it unalterable.

Criteria for selection

It was very difficult for us to choose just ten coves in Mallorca for this post. For this reason, we have stuck to the following selection criteria:

  • Coves with few tourists. In general, when we are on holiday we make ourselves comfortable and the vast majority of people are looking for fun activities that do not involve too much effort. For this reason, the most accessible beaches and those closest to the tourist centres do not form part of our selection.
  • Suitable for bathing, but without services. As they are not very frequented coves or are located in natural areas, in many cases they do not have basic services such as showers, toilets, restaurants, etc.
  • Coves with something special. Whether it is the surrounding landscape, the seabed or some unique feature that you will not find in any other cove on the island.

We would like to point out that we have followed a random order. Neither the first one is the best, nor are they ordered in order to follow a route. Our aim is only for you to discover some of the most hidden and secret coves in Mallorca.

Six must-see hidden and secret coves

And now we come to the 10 most special coves on the island:

Sa Calobra Cove

The truth is that it is not very secret.
On the contrary, it is one of the most popular to visit. But as it is quite difficult to reach and the surrounding landscape is so amazing, it has earned its place on this list.

A winding road, an eerie stone landscape, a tunnel that seems to close the way because it doesn’t want us to enjoy the final treasure: its two small beaches. Cala Sa Calobra and Torrent de Pareis.

From the turquoise water, being in contact with the sea, the mountains and the forest will generate unique sensations.

The route to Sa Calobra is also famous among cyclists, as it is considered one of the most emblematic cycling routes in the world. A relentless climb of 9.5 km, impossible for many good cyclists, is the ambition of those who do manage it.

A natural wonder not to be missed.

Cala Sa Calobra

Caló des Màrmols

They say that if you want something, it costs you something. And this saying is true in the case of Màrmols cove, which is one of the most beautiful beaches in Mallorca, but one of the most difficult to reach by land.

This small cove is located in the municipality of Santanyí. The cove’s fine white sand blends in with the cliffs that surround it, making it a true paradise. Moreover, from the cove you have a direct view of the island of Cabrera, which makes it even more special.

This cove is not usually very busy due to the difficulty in reaching it. It can be reached on foot. To do so, you must take an excursion from Cap de ses Salines (5km between cliffs) or, via the private estate Rafal des Porcs, a shorter route but which requires permission and information on how to get there beforehand to avoid getting lost.

It is well worth the trip and the walk. But if you prefer to rent a boat in Mallorca and visit it without so much effort, click on the link.

Varques Cove

Surrounded by gentle rocky outcrops, bushes and pine trees.

This is how this cove appears before your eyes. It is a not very busy cove where nudists and dogs are welcome. E

specially attractive for snorkelling are the rocky parts of this cove. All in all it is a secluded, unspoilt and hippy-spirited little beach where you may come across some hawkers selling handmade jewellery, drinks or other small souvenirs while you are there.

Cala Varques has no restaurants or facilities, so in that respect it is less suitable for families with small children or senior citizens. There are also no sun loungers or umbrellas for rent.
Calas escondidas y secretas de Mallorca- Cala Sa Calobra

Murta Cove

To get there by land you’ll have to walk, but it’s worth it. The route is downhill and has plenty of shade, so it’s great on a hot day.

Along the way you can enjoy meeting wild donkeys and mountain goats. It is worth noting that there are some picnic tables along the way, but be aware that the donkeys are likely to appear if you stop at them.

Cala Murta, being fairly enclosed, is a pleasant swim even on windy days. And if you are a snorkelling enthusiast, you will be able to enjoy jumps, caves and surprising marine fauna. Don’t you think these are enough reasons for this cove to be one of the chosen ones? I’m sure they are.

Lastly, it is not a sandy cove but a pebble cove, which is why it is not very popular. For this reason, to enjoy its incredible waters, we recommend you to wear suitable footwear.

Basset Cove

Another of our favourites is Cala en Basset. It goes without saying that as with other coves in this selection, it is not advisable to enter with children or with people who have difficulty walking. This is a beautiful rocky cove located several kilometres northwest of Sant Elm, in Andratx. With a 2 km path of moderate difficulty, this natural hideaway offers an unbeatable experience. It also has an additional attraction: you can take a mud bath by smearing it on your body and enjoy the softness it leaves on your skin. To access it, we also recommend you wear comfortable, closed shoes.

Cala Magraner

Cala Magraner is a cove of stones and sand located halfway between the urbanisations of Cales de Mallorca and Cala Romántica. It is located in a spot far away from the buildings and full of vegetation.

The only thing you can see from this cove is nature. It is located at the mouth of a torrent, in the middle of rock walls with many caves. Its walls are ideal for climbing, and for this reason it is common to see people practising this activity. To get there, park near Cala Bota (free parking) and walk along a path for about half an hour. The route is flat and comfortable.
Calas escondidas y secretas de Mallorca: Cala magraner Y hasta aquí nuestras siete calas escondidas y secretas en Mallorca que te recomendamos. Somos conscientes de que nos dejamos muchísimas otras en el tintero que perfectamente podrían formar parte de este post, así que te animamos a que dejes en comentarios alguna otra que conozcas y recomiendes.